Corporate Finance Professional, Engineer, Fiercely Loyal Friend, Volunteer, Go-getter, Adventurer, Cle Elum, Washington, USA

Ms. Maya Kamath is a close friend, a co-conspirator and a confidante of a WOW Woman Project. As such it has been a special treat to reach out to her friends and family to complete this intro for me. These, mostly, women have been given a task to answer two questions: Why is Maya your WOW Woman? How does she inspire you? These were their unedited responses:

“Maya has this wonderful ability to make time for the things she cares about. She’s always there to talk to a friend, a relative, a colleague (I think most of her colleagues end up being her friends). She can bring a smile your face and make you feel special – probably why she is on the board a charity for kids. She has this ability to make friends wherever she goes. She’s bold, takes risks, and is a strong woman. She’s motivated, and doesn’t give up. But mostly she’s an amazing friend. Someone I can always talk to openly, discuss anything, and I know will always be honest with me (even when I don’t want her to be). Maya isn’t just a friend – she’s family. How does she inspire me? Maya will always go for it – whatever it may be. She’ll put herself out with so much dedication and determination. She’s true to herself, and its motivating to see such a strong woman in all her undertakings” - Amee Patel

“Maya is a rare character in that she can support you in the worst of times and simultaneously inspire you to be your best as well. She is the one friend I would choose to be stranded on a desert island with and also the one friend I would take to an overcrowded concert. She has lived a true WOW Woman life. She has accomplished so much in her own in her career, through her travels and in her many friendships, yet she has also given strength and support to everyone around her, pushing them to reach their own goals. She is the true embodiment of friends being the family you choose. I chose her as my family. I say this with all the love in my heart and I cannot wait for the in-person celebration of her upcoming milestone birthday” - Sabrina Hussain

“Maya has been my WOW Woman from the moment she came into this world. We are so different, and in the areas where I lack, she seems to shine. To this day, she is the one that I look to for support even if she doesn’t agree with my decisions. I am grateful to have a sister who spends time with my kids and continues to grow their relationship, even from a distance. I am also thankful that she has been able to develop a relationship separate from ours with my husband. This is true with all her relationships and I believe her true superpower is her ability to maintain strong, truly lifelong friendships. Her giving, steady relationships don’t stop at friends and family but continue through her commitment to give back to her community. As heavy as her work load gets, she finds time to prioritize her family, friends and volunteering. As she continues to mature and grow, she continues to surprise and delight me with her adventures as a WOW Woman.” - Veena Kamath

“Maya is this special blend of smarts, humor, humility, compassion, and perseverance. She is quite brilliant and impressively perceptive and intuitive. She is hilarious, reminding those around her to enjoy life a little bit more. She’s humble, calmly kicking ass in the corporate world while building up a museum of accomplishments along the way. She is kind, never hesitating to be there for a friend (or honestly a stranger). And she’s a fighter. You wouldn’t know from her unassuming demeanor but Maya does not shy away from challenges; instead she charges them head on. Maya was one of the first people I met at graduate school and from the moment I met her, I knew she’d be an important presence in my world. More than a decade later, she continues to inspire me with all that she does and all that she is. I’m so incredibly blessed and proud to call her a friend. She is a WOW Woman to me because she truly is an extraordinary force who I know has made a big impact on many paths she’s crossed” - Jennifer Yomoah

“Maya is quite literally the most unique person I have ever had the pleasure to call a friend. She is so incredibly quirky and real that she disarms those around her to ensure they can be their authentic self. She is incredibly smart and thoughtful and strives to be the best person she can be. But more than all that... Her picture should be the entry for the Oxford dictionary definition of friend. She makes me be a better one in turn. Maya remembers and takes the time to reach out. She listens. I mean really listens. She pushes me to think and feel hard things even when I don't want to. But she also never lets anyone around her feel alone. Her ability to connect makes her unique. I only hope and wish I make others feel even an ounce of the way she makes me feel.” - Ashita Nayak

“What makes Maya special? Maya is my closest/best friend, a sister really. She is someone with whom I can share happy and sad moments with. Someone to whom I can tell anything and I mean ANYTHING, and she will not judge me. What makes Maya special is she is always there for me, no matter what. Even if months go by without us chatting, we pickup where we left off. My life is more complete because of my special friend Maya. How does she inspire me? Maya is a go-getter. No matter what, she keeps her priorities straight and goes after the goals she sets for herself. She is an independent, confident, strong woman whom I admire tremendously.” - Smriti Srivastava

“Maya and I met at our very first jobs out of University at a complex contract manufacturing plant where I was an administrator and she was an electrical engineer. I tell you that so you'll have context on just how special Maya is. She is incredibly multifaceted! Where now she is killing it in the finance world, this is only in addition to her abilities as an engineer. Maya and I had an instant bond, I felt she brought out the best in me by always helping me find the humour in any situation. Maya has this incredibly endearing self-deprecating sense of humour that leaves you free to laugh at yourself, and inevitably, you end up laughing together. She's intrinsically motivated and always pursuing that next thing that will make her better. She's methodical in planning her future and is as strategic with her free time as she is with her work, but on meeting her, you'd never garner that immediately; she's unassuming and wide open, with these big eyes and genuine smile. We've stayed in touch over the years because that's who Maya is; all about her friends, special occasions and making memories. It's the way that Maya's priorities are completely in line with her actions that inspires me most. From saving and investing, to reading and volunteering, to travel and organizing special events, to me she is a shining example of a successful professional and a human being. I am honoured to call her my dear friend and so pleased she is being recognized in this way. Go Maya!” - Shaylene Todd

“Maya is the type of person that, when asked about her special qualities, each of her friends will give a completely different answer. One piece of Maya's personality that I love is the quirky side-hustles she finds. While she is a big shot in finance at Microsoft, on the weekends she moonlights as an Instacart grocery shopper. Why, I ask her? Oh, I looove to shop for groceries and help people. Then I find out she is a carpool driver for hire in the mornings for her coworkers. Again, why I ask? Oh, I love having someone to talk to when I drive to work. Besides these fun gig economy endeavors, Maya also spends her free time volunteering for nonprofits, mentoring women in Africa, and making the world around her a better place. Maya is a beehive of positive energy that continues to surprise me with what she will do next.” - Keith Cockrum

“Why is Maya my WOW Woman? Her job is extremely demanding and she finds time to donate to different charities, and maintain her relationships with friends. She has shown me that when you want /care about something you can always find the time. Furthermore, no matter the challenges we faced in life, she faces them fearlessly and always finds the positive in her and my own problems. Why does she inspire me? Maya brings a great energy and her positive attitude towards life to anyone who encounters her. She has become a great manager always bringing a calm and objective way to solve her team’s issues. This is not easily found in today's world. Most of all Maya inspires me to care more about others, to dedicate more time to family, friends, work and relationships while keeping up with her desires to travel and see the world. She continues to astonish me.” - Tatiana Alfaro

“Maya is my daughter, so all daughters are very “special” to their mothers. Maya although tough on the outside is really a softie. She has her own special way for loving which is evident with the unique things she does for us. Maya would treat us to very interesting activities whenever she visits us in Canada. For example, day cruise, sushi making class, a visit to Casa Loma in Toronto, weekend at Letchworth Park etc. Maya is a foodie, so we look forward to enjoying a variety of foods and restaurants that we wouldn’t have normally tried. She maintains good relationships with all her friends so when she visits, we are obliged to share her with them. As a result, the Pandemic this past (2020) year has had its pros in this regard. Maya is a woman of few words - spoken and written- she blames it on her work stress. However she still manages to communicate with all the people who matter to her. Maya inspires me as she perseveres toward her goals until she attains them. She is a very independent person, and has been thriving and living on her own far from her family and friends. She is an able and careful driver navigating many new places solo. She is great at making new quality friends, while at the same time maintaining long distance old friendships. She is able to carry out many carefully thought-out short and long range life plans. Maya stresses out easily when unexpected things happen but she is able to resolve most situations successfully, confidently and in her own way. I have watched her work well with teams and have seen her successfully compensate for others’ shortcomings. She has all the qualities of a “strong leader”. She is confident and cautious while making difficult decisions, usually arriving at the correct course of action. Maya has grown up to a be a fine woman and I’m proud of her.” - Vidya Kamath

Maya is a WOW Woman for multiple reasons. The main for me, she is an all-around solid friend. Our friendship commenced in high school. Maya was there for me during some of the more difficult heartache moments as we were getting ready to grow up and face the world. Her comforting words are always supportive and sometimes stern which is truly the best combination to have when in a crisis. Maya is disarming with her attitude toward the world. By asking honest questions, you can’t help but smile when she gets to the core of the issue, leaving you scratching your head - Is it really that simple? Why am I overthinking it so much? As some friends come and go, Maya has been a constant rock, her presence is just a text/call away with words of encouragement, a joke that is never far behind. I cherish and appreciate that so much. A proverb "early birdie gets the worm" was meant for Maya. She achieves more before 8 AM than most folks do in a day. Whether it is a sweat session at 6 AM or a 5 AM drive to a trailhead for a sunrise hike. This dedication is just half the story. No matter what she decides on, it's always with a "just get it done" mentality. Interested in volunteering on the board of a children non profit? Got it done. Wanted to learn (and play) hockey? Got it done. Pursue an engineering degree then an MBA? Got it done. Maya’s attitude toward life is “get me out there, earlier and in full force” Grab life by… Finally, Maya is a fiercely loyal and dedicated friend. I’ve visited her in whatever part of the country at the time, and during my stay she devoted herself fully - cooking, stocking up on your favourite snacks, giving up her bed, treating you like royalty. Similarly, when her other friends or family visit, I know to not bother her, because they are surely getting that love and care, the full Maya treatment. That’s the Maya I know, generous and kind. Our friendship has stood the test of time because Maya makes me want to be a better person and a friend. In many ways she has spoiled the friend game because I know how amazing it is to be treated like a valued human. The way I am with people, the kindness I hope to offer to the WOW Women, the generosity I display with my friends, are all to some degree inspired by my friendship with Maya and her treatment of those in her orbit. If you are lucky enough to call her a friend, I’m sure you will agree wholeheartedly.” - Olga Shmaidenko

1. Name.

Maya Kamath

2. Where is your hometown?

Hamilton, Ontario, Canada

3. What is your profession/career/title/self-label/designation?

Corporate Finance Professional (for now).

What does your average day look like?

I have always been an early riser. Early has now become 4:30 am, and I love my mornings because they are my time to do what I want whether that be reading, messaging family and friends, exercising, cooking, catching up on a tv show. After that, it is off to work.

4. What did you study in school?

Electrical Engineering & Management degree in Canada which a few years later led me to my MBA on the East Coast of the United States.

5. What was the journey like to get where you are (in life and career-wise)? Write about some of the achievements that you are most proud of. What was the breakthrough moment for you (in your personal life and/or career?) that set you on the current path in life?

Growing up in an immigrant family that landed in Canada with very little, had quite a large impact on me growing up. I remember the struggle early on, but I also understand the sacrifices my parents made to ensure we didn’t feel excluded and had experiences other kids around us were having. To this day, I use that as my grounding factor. My parents pushed education hard throughout my life, and I knew this was the way to quite literally open the world for me.

I completed my undergrad at a university in Hamilton, Canada, living at home, and took my first international trip to India after graduation. You would think, being of Indian decent, this would be an easy trip, but culture shock was real and affected me deeply. It was after this trip that I knew I had to explore the world more and learn about different cultures. Part of this for me was completing my MBA outside of Canada. I wanted to go to the US, for the opportunities it would bring me upon graduation. I packed up my belongings and my dad and I drove to Boston where he dropped me off at what would be my new home for the next couple years.

This was my first time living away from home and not having family within a close reach. Luckily I was attending school and would meet friends quickly. There were two pivotal points between my undergrad and completing my MBA that were breakthroughs for me. First, travelling internationally and realizing there is so much to see, absorb and understand about the world. I make a point to travel somewhere new every year (as much as the work schedule allows me) Second, after successfully moving to Boston, I find myself with almost no fear of picking my life up, and relocating. When others fear the changes I see them as a way to meet interesting people, experience other cultures, and keep life interesting. Moving does get harder and harder after you have found a stable job and are supporting yourself.

6. How is your life different from what you pictured at 20?

At 20, I pictured my life to be what was considered typical. Living inside the white picket fenced house in the suburbs, married with kids. I have not checked any of those boxes and am surprisingly ok with it. Instead, I live the downtown city life in the Pacific Northwest and have amazing and strong relationships with my family, friends I have met throughout my life, and with the children of my friends and family.

7. Was there a time when life knocked you down or out and how did you get back up on your feet?

When I feel like I’ve been punched in the gut, I always try and remind myself that as long as I’ve done what I can, things happen for a reason. The time for me that this has been hardest for me to grasp was in 2009 after completing my MBA in the United States during the recession. Just like all international students looking for a job, I required a visa sponsorship to stay in the US. I wanted to work for a big corporation, so as I kept landing jobs with the smaller companies, I had to constantly remind myself not to settle; this was not the reason I went to school in the US. I wanted to work in Corporate America. Within a month I was able to land a job that excited me, and as we were going through the visa paperwork, they informed me that they had not received permission from leadership to hire.

My stomach sunk as my education visa was expiring. I felt my stability slipping away, as I no longer had the other jobs on the table, and I knew this meant leaving the country I fought so hard to enter and remain in. But as I mentioned above, I tried everything. And luckily, in Canada, I was able to quickly land a job at a large tech firm in Toronto (for which to this day I am immensely thankful to my mentor from my MBA internship days).

At the time I felt like a failure which took two years to subside. I had left everything that was familiar to me to pursue higher education. I thought obtaining this education would land me a job in the “the land of opportunity”, but three years later it felt like I was right back where I started. Looking back at this stressful experience with ten years of hindsight, I am able to see and understand the purpose of my journey.


8. Advice for other women?

There are enough obstacles in life, be kind to yourself. What you give is enough, and you will learn along the way.

Don’t be afraid to speak your voice. We all have powerful messages. I would also say find a woman you admire to be your mentor. As you navigate life, just having someone that understands your struggles, and has overcome many similar barriers can really help.

9. Knowing what we know now in a current political climate, can women be "all that we can be" in today's world? What is the way forward, as you see it, for "feminist values"?

This is a tricky question as it has so many components. I grew up with four strong women, of which my mom and grandma were already breaking feminine barriers. My dad was also a feminist and never put restrictions on us based on our gender. I grew up thinking I could do anything, with my gender playing no role. I believed that unless I self-limited myself somehow the world was a clean slate. After living in the real world, I don’t think we are at the point where we can be all we can be. I do believe in pushing the stereotypes and continuing advocating. I think the more we (women) mentor, educate and talk about the issues, the faster we can get to a place of equality.

10. Where in the world do you feel “tallest” (i.e. where is your happy place)?

I feel tallest with my family and my closest friends. These are the people that I can just let loose with and be silly. They know the real me.

11. What extra-curricular activities/hobbies are you most proud of? Why?

I took up two activities recently that put a real smile on my face. One is a dream I had since I was a child, to play ice hockey, so I joined a “Learn to Play” adult league in Seattle. What makes it such a great experience are women of all abilities and ages, learning together. The second was joining a board of a volunteer organization that combines two things that make me happy: Birthdays and Children. Birthday Dreams is an organization that provides monthly, on-site birthday parties at several homeless shelters located in Seattle, Maple Valley, Tacoma and North Bend areas. I believe in their mission of bringing hope, joy and a sense of self-worth to homeless children with the gift of an acknowledgement of one truly special event: a Birth Day. This mission is so important to me because I was blessed with a happy childhood, and I truly think that children should delay dealing with the pressures of the real life for as long as possible. Birthday Dreams allows children to experience a little normalcy even for a day. The hearts of this organization’s dedicated workers and volunteers’ are in the right place.

12. What do you want to be when you grow up? Future goals/challenges?

This is the million dollar question I struggle with everyday. I admire people who found their passion in life. At the same time, not knowing, has allowed me to explore and experience various paths in life. Not knowing allowed me to find out all the things I do not enjoy. My goal, which also comes as a challenge, is to find that passion in the next two years. As I grow older I also want to help others find their path and passion (in life and in career). As such, I’ve become a mentor to young women, and I want to continue to grow that effort.

13. What fears are you still hoping to overcome?

Societal acceptance.


14. Anything you'd do differently, if you had another go at life?

I would take more risks. This applies to my career, my education, my personal life, my relationships and travel. I think past experiences made me seek stability before taking the next step.

If I were to have another go, I would try and be more adventurous with decisions I make. No matter how it looks at the time, every experience helps you grow and develop. I realized this later in life as I sought stability before jumping into anything.

15. What inspires you?

People. I love observing and learning about (and from) different people.

16. What are you hopeful about?

The upcoming generation. The world has changed so much and the new generation has new boundaries to push through and I’m excited to see their accomplishments.

17. What are some ingredients to a good life?

Self-Happiness, strong and real relationships.

18. What are (at least) three qualities you most love about yourself and why? What are your superpowers?

My independence, my relatability and my empathy.

19. What advice would you give your 14-year-old self?

Don’t let societal, cultural norms and what people think dictate your path. I grew up surrounded by women that pushed boundaries, but for some reason, I always played it safe, likely for security and acceptance.

20. What are you reading now? (what books do you gift most and what are your favourite reads?)

Currently I’m on a management books kick to ensure that I can give the best to my team and also to the women I mentor. So much new and great information is available at our fingertips; it has helped me understand dynamics with colleagues in different way. Currently I’m reading What Got You Here, Won’t Get You There by Marshall Goldsmith and Multipliers: How the Best Leaders Make Everyone Smarter, by Greg McKeown and Liz Wiseman.

21. Who is a WOW WOMAN in your world who inspires you and why?

My Mom. She is fearless. She came to Canada after marrying my father, leaving India for the first time. She then continued travelling back and forth to the United States as she furthered her education while juggling a new family life. She is the rock and glue of our family. She picks us all up when we fall, is our unwavering confidence, and is selfless in her actions. She makes things happen.

Can you nominate three (or more) WOW Women?

The three that easily come to mind (in alphabetical order) are Tatiana Alfaro, Ashita Nayak, and Shaylene Todd. When I think of each of these women, I immediately think WOW. Each have left their country and what is comfortable to them, to pursue their dreams abroad. I understand how hard that is, leaving your support system behind. What I admire most though is each of these women is a natural leader. They also possess the empathy and ability to harness human connections when it comes to creating strong relationships. For these reasons others gravitate toward them and seek to be part of their circle of friends. These ladies have defied stereotypes, excelled in male-dominated roles, but also managed to lead balanced lives so that their work does not consume them. I am lucky to have each of these women in my life; I feel grateful and excited to be part of their journeys.

22. Where can others find you/your work (links to websites, blogs, etc.)?

I’m not really on social media, so LinkedIn is where it is at!