Mini WOW Worldschooler, Artist, Paris, France
My role in Ms. Luna Nguyen’s life has been that of a loving tyotia (aunt in Russian) but also a personal photographer for the first part of Luna’s life in East Village, in Manhattan. As Luna writes below, her family moved to California when she was seven, leaving behind a huge void in all our lives in the city. I watched Luna and her brother Leo blossom on the West Coast of United States. I felt pride as this kid (see included images of the baby Luna) turned into an intelligent, thoughtful and caring person (see the rest of the photos taken this year in Paris). Additionally, Luna embraced a massive life change as she is now a worldschool-savvy mini WOW woman. She is learning on-the-go: first in Indonesia, then Vietnam, Philippines, a COVID year in Japan, time in France and now learning in Morocco. She is experiencing new cultures, picking up new languages, falling in love with cuisines most kids her age turn their nose up at. Most importantly Luna has opened her mind and heart to the ways of life different from her own. I am proud but not surprised at how well she adjusted to the life on the road. Luna’s role models are pretty incredible; throughout the years her parents remain the most thoughtful and caring humans, surpassing all expectations of what good friends ought to be.
1. Name.
Luna Ledung Artume Nguyen.
My parents named me Luna after a poem about travel that they loved. Ledung is my paternal grandmother's name, and Artume like Artemis, is the goddess of Hunt and the moon.
2. Where are you from?
United States. I was born in New York City and then moved to California when I was seven.
4. What is the hardest thing you experienced in life?
Probably losing my grandma. My family and I visited her a lot, and she visited us in New York, so when we found out she was sick we moved to California to take care of her. I slept next to her on the couch, and I always spent time with her so I really got to know her, which made her passing away very sad.
5. Where is your most favourite place on earth (where do you prefer to spend an afternoon)?
Maybe in Kyoto, Japan. It's very pretty and calm, and I spent five months living there. I've been to many temples, they are beautiful to walk through. I think that they look best in the cherry blossom season, when the Sakura flowers bloom, or in the autumn season, when the maple trees turn red and orange. I also really enjoyed riding my bike along the Kamo River.
7. If you could change something about the country you're from to make it better, what would it be?
I would change things so that there would be no more discrimination toward or unfair treatment of people for their race or if they are LGBTQ+.
I would also have multiple Picard supermarkets in each state.
8. If you could change something about our planet to make it better, what would it be?
The most obvious thing would be to stop climate change. On a personal level, animal welfare is important to me. I despise puppy mills and abusive breeders, it's so inhumane for someone to be doing because it encourages animal abuse.
9. What are you reading now (name of the book)? What is your favourite book?
I'm currently reading Trials of Apollo 2. My favorite book is the fourth one of the Percy Jackson Series, called “The Battle of the Labyrinth”.
I also look up to Annabeth Chase from the Percy Jackson series. She's clever and brave, and has used her wits to get out of fatal situations multiple times.
11. What do you want to learn about in the world and where would you like to visit?
I want to learn more about other people and their cultures. I would also like to visit Africa and South America, I've never been to either, and I'd like to learn about the cultures of the countries in both.
13. What are the three top wishes you want to come true?
Equal rights for everyone, world peace, and for people to be able to get education for themselves and/or their children.
14. What are three best qualities you like about yourself and why?
I like my ability to adapt to new situations, mostly because I move places and countries a lot.
I also like how adventurous I am with new foods and new experiences, and that I am open-minded to trying mostly everything.
I'm also, as I said, very social and love interacting with people.
15. If you could transform into any animal, which would it be and why?
A giant squid or an anglerfish, so I’ll be able to see the depths of the ocean that nobody has yet explored. Or an eagle, to fly really high and see everything from above with a new perspective.
16. Advice for other girls?
Don't listen to others about what to do with your life (especially men). It's yours, and you have full control over it. You decide what you want to do and what dreams you want to pursue.
17. What are you proud of? (something you are good at or can do well)
My drawing skills, I think I draw pretty well but I'm still developing my art style. I also like to ski, but I'm still learning.
18. How did worldschooling and traveling change you as a person?
One big way is that I have a much bigger perspective on life because I've seen so many places. I'm now more used to change and adversity as I'm always on the move. I’m used to things always popping up and I have to deal with them.
19. Would you recommend it to other kids?
I would recommend worldschooling and traveling to other kids because it changes your personal view of the world so much. You get to see new things all over the planet that you'd never even thought about before. Traveling has helped me understand the situations of other families and people internationally.
20. If you could give adults advice about understanding young people, what would you say?
Be patient with kids because we aren't as experienced with things as adults. We need time and space to grow and be as mature as you.