Operations Manager, Self-driven Perseverer, Bali, Indonesia
Our next WOW Woman was nominated by an entrepreneur with several successful businesses in Bali, Indonesia; she spoke about an employee who stood out from the rest. I was told that Ms. Agustin (Ona) Gonsalves has made giant leaps in personal and professional growth. Ona’s drive to learn English for business communications, her requests for more challenging responsibilities and an increase in managerial tasks have all proved successful. With no prior experience in a retail space, she further took on accounting and management roles.
“There was something in her, a fiery determination. I brought her to my business meetings, she sat there, absorbing everything, and showed amazing thirst for knowledge. She learned English basically on the job! She is not afraid to ask questions, has an incredible survival instinct. She helped me and my businesses (a retail company and several restaurants in Bali) to survive through the pandemic” - Elle G.
I cannot wait to see what’s next for Ms. Ona Gonsalves, our Indonesian WOW Woman. Ona’s answers are pure and heartfelt, strikingly candid, heartwarming and heartbreaking simultaneously. I hope they move you as much as they did me.
1. Name.
Agustin Gonsalves, but people know me as Ona – that is my nickname.
2. Where is your hometown?
I was born in Denpasar, Bali, grew up also in Denpasar. My daddy is from East Timor (before it was part of Indonesia – but is now separate) and my mom is from Maluku.
3. What is your profession/career/title/self-label/designation? What does your average day look like?
I’m an operational manager of a fantastic company and work closely with company’s awesome owner. I grew up a lot in this company. When I’m not working I like to go dancing and sing; not professionally, just a hobby, and I love to travel around and explore Bali.
4. What did you study in school?
I finished high school and have been to college as an IT student. But did not finish for personal reasons.
5. What was the journey like to get where you are (in life and career-wise)? Write about some of the achievements that you are most proud of. What was the breakthrough moment for you (in your personal life and/or career?) that set you on the current path in life?
I came from a broken family and have had many chances to be a broken kid, a broken teenager and a broken adult. But thank God, I was surrounded by many positive people, who helped me grow and mature into a person I am now. Our family was struggling in a bad economic situation going on in Indonesia. That made me want to start doing something to create money. When I was 14-years old, I started working as a teacher in an elementary school, and making money from that. When I was a senior in high school, I studied a bit harder than before, to be number one in my class. Effort does not betray results, and I succeeded at becoming number one. I received scholarship for six months. For that time frame my mom did not need to worry about my tuition fees. I knew that was not enough though, so I did other things to help. I became a running athlete, and joined championships to represent my school. When I won, it helped me with another scholarship, for another six months. I was proud that for the last two years of school I did not pay tuition, and they even overpaid me for all my achievements. It was the first time I could buy my own mobile phone with my own money.
I’m so proud of myself now, because growing up actually I wasn’t sure where my strengths were. But 2017 changed my life. I found a job at an awesome company with an incredible owner. Although I worked at this company since 2009, it was 2017 that changed me a lot. In 2017 I started working as a Sales Promotion Girl at an activewear retail shop. Without any prior experience and knowing no English at all, I knew one thing - I wanted to learn new things.
I had a chance to prove myself, for about five or six months when we had no manager. I did my best, was giving a regular update about the shop to the boss. I wanted to help her more. I did a roaster, updated the stock, learned how to update a system, all while asking many questions (since I had no previous experience). Let’s just call my boss my ‘mom’. I didn’t realize that entire time my ‘mom’ saw something in me, and decided to give me a big opportunity. She promoted me to a store manager. Again, with having zero experience managing, I tried and did my best and Thank God, thank Jesus, my ‘mom’ liked how I performed and finished each task. As time rolled on, this company grew big, sooo big, and she “my mom” brought me to this high level of my carrier, currently as an “Operational Manager”. I am so grateful, she taught me so much, she brought me to the meetings and I sat with her, as her right hand woman. Entire time she believed in me, did not treat me as a worker only, but as her family. Now I’m here and so grateful.
6. How is your life different from what you pictured at 20?
Never did I imagine that someone from a broken family, can have a big career. My alternative would have been working a simple job, having a set amount of salary per month, and being average. But for me, all is totally different now. Once again I’m so grateful, thank Jesus.
7. Was there a time when life knocked you down or out and how did you get back up on your feet?
When my mom passed away in 2011. That totally knocked me down. She was my soulmate, my everything. When I was jobless for two months, I had debts (for our house loan), I couldn’t pay, because I wasn’t working. This was the time my religious journey started. I was just praying at that time, not telling anyone I needed money. I kept to myself and God, Gospel said, My God is Almighty God. I prayed “Jesus I know You can make impossible happen”. I cried everyday, and one of my mentors asked me what happened. I didn’t tell her the truth. Three times in a week she asked me, so I told her finally about my struggles. We agreed to pray together every night over the phone. Bible said : “The prayer of a righteous person has great effectiveness” - James 5:16B. After 10 days, of praying together every night, God answered me. Bank called me to say that they will transfer debt payments to the next remaining arrears. I was so grateful.
Another time, it was 10th of the month but I found myself with just Rp. 35,000 (equivalent to $2.45 USD). I could afford only one meal with this money. I had many friends and elders who cared for me, but I couldn’t ask them for money for gasoline to go to work. Again I started praying, I cried so much. Two days of praying and someone came to me, shook my hand and said, this is blessing for you, use this to buy gasoline (I have a lot of stories like this by the way).
I always get up because I have Jesus my Lord, my savior, my joy, my life, my strength and my everything.
8. Advice for other women?
Your life is precious, don't let your past events prevent you from becoming great, because in each of us there is a great power.
Sing this song:
“Who run the world? Girls (girls)
Who run the world? Girls (girls)”
9. Knowing what we know now in a current political climate, can women be "all that we can be" in today's world? What is the way forward, as you see it, for "feminist values"?
100% we can be all that we can be. I think in this era now, it is not about gender anymore, but potency and ability of the individuals.
10. Where in the world do you feel “tallest” (i.e. where is your happy place)?
When I know my God, and I cling to HIM, no doubt.
11. What extracurricular activities/hobbies are you most proud of? Why?
Traveling makes me so happy. I enjoy learning about and exploring new places. I’ve travelled in Asia and have been to Thailand, China, Malaysia, Singapore, Egypt and Israel. And have travelled for work as well.
I’m happy that singing and dancing are also part of my life, once again not professional just as a hobby.
12. What do you want to be when you grow up? Future goals/challenges?
I want to build a house for my family. In fact I want to build three houses next to each other for my brother, my father and me.
I also want to encourage young generation of kids who came from a broken family to pursue their dreams.
13. What fears are you still hoping to overcome?
I'm afraid of my words’ power to destroy others, because words can kill a great potential. In many ways words have greater impact than our deeds.
14. Anything you'd do differently, if you had another go at life?
Don't waste youth on useless things. When I was a teenager, I played more than I studied; I’d do that differently if I had another go at life.
15. What / who inspires you? What are you hopeful about?
My inspiration has always been my mom. She fought for us, for me and my brother. Because I love her, and even though she is gone, I’m being strong for her now. I’m feeling even stronger thanks to another mom (Elle). She’s taught me a lot when it comes to growing my confidence and business sense.
16. What is your dream for yourself and how do you plan on achieving it?
My big dream is travelling around the word. What I’m doing to achieve it: saving extra money, waiting for all borders to open and then go.
17. What are some ingredients to a good life? Has the global pandemic changed your perspective about the world, about your life, your goals and dreams?
“In everything, treat others as you would want them to treat you”. This is part of having a good life.
What I learned from this global pandemic: I learned that there is nothing in this world that we can predict. Our part is doing the best we can and feel grateful for everything. We can’t place our feelings of happiness into external circumstances around us that are out of our control. External factors can be disappointing so I say create your own happiness.
18. What are (at least) three qualities you most love about yourself and why? What are your superpowers?
I’m loyal, honest and committed; three things that are hard to find right now I think. The wise man once said: loyalty, honesty and commitment are expensive things.
We cannot demand expensive things from those who are cheap. I know I am valuable, and I want my personal treasury to be filled with expensive things in life.
19. What advice would you give your 14-year-old self?
Use more of your time to study than to play, and spend more time with your mom, because she won’t see you grow up.
20. What are you reading now? (what books do you gift most and what are your favourite reads?
Mantappu Jiwa by Jerome Polin Sijabat a book from an inspiring young author, about his struggles and how he persevered and made something of himself. Also my BIBLE, “For this is the way God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”
21. Who is a WOW WOMAN in your world who inspires you and why?
First, absolutely my mom. She was the most patient and loyal person, a confidant and a best friend to me. She was the one who taught me to fight for my life and loved me very much. She is the one person I really hoped would be still with me to see me during my successful times of my life (and not just strugle). I love you mom very much.
Second, my sister in faith, Veby Elvien. She was a positive influence on me, as I became an adult, and taught me important values in life. Veby also taught me a lot about how to experience God personally, be more attached to Christ and live a life with the value of truth. I love you sister.
Third my beloved mommy Elle. She entrusted me with many great responsibilities in her business. She made me from nothing, and I become someone with a lot of experience thanks to her. Elle does not see lack of experience or age of a person, but potential. She then develops that potential. I am grateful to have met her and I love her.
22. Where can others find you/your work (links to websites, blogs, etc.)?
Instagram : @onaagustina and started YouTube but not many things yet there.
Bonus quick round:
1. What and who is worth suffering for?
For things that give us eternal value, make us grow and make us better, whatever and whoever it may be.
2. What would you stand for if you knew that nobody would judge you?
Nothing different. Also, I think people who judge us, make us more mature, if we see it from the right perspective.
3. What do you not want anyone else to know about you?
Actually nothing. I do want others to know about my life, even the bad things, like me coming from a broken family, the failures I’ve experienced, because it turns out that all the bad things that happened didn’t limit me to be a great person.
4. What would be too good to believe if someone was to sit down and tell you what's coming next in your life?
Ona, I will sponsor you to travel the world, all your expenses. I am responsible, you just have to enjoy your vacation, don’t worry about anything.
5. Who from your past are you still trying to earn acceptance from?
No one.
6. If you didn't have to work anymore what would you do with your days?
If I had a lot of money I would support services for the underprivileged communities in Bali, open soup kitchens, so that people who are deprived can eat for free. For those who come from broken families I’d lend ears to hear them, open up about their misfortunes and give them the strength and assurance that they are great people and can do great things with their future.
I’d also travel around the world.
7. What bothers you most about other people? What do you love most about other people?
What bothers me: when people complain, because complaining doesn't solve anything. Complaining makes the complainer weaker. When you complain, you create an atmosphere that is not good for your surroundings.
What I love: I love people with positive thoughts, with positive values, and people who encourage others.
8. Who gave you encouragement in life?
Praise the Lord, I have a lot positive persons in my circle. My sources of encouragement are:
The Presence of God
My circle
My best sister Veby Elvien and my best friend Anis Mila.