Whitney Sonnenberg is a dynamic presence in Cape Town, seamlessly blending roles that span from personal trainer to children dance instructor. Whether she’s training clients in the comfort of their homes or at an all-male boxing gym, Sonnenberg’s shines. She extends her expertise to the younger generation, tutoring kids in dance and running a gymnastics program at a local elementary school.
Beyond her professional endeavors, Sonnenberg is a devoted mother of two and an athlete whose vibrant energy is infectious. Her approach to life, exceptional resilience and optimism, are deeply inspiring. Navigating a male-dominated environment with grace, she stands as an equal among her peers in the boxing community, using challenges as opportunities for self-development.
Being in Whitney Sonnenberg’s orbit brings me, and I’m sure many of her her clients, joy. Her ability to maintain composure and learn from adversity sets her apart as a remarkable professional in her field.
- Olga Shmaidenko, Founder of WOW Woman.
Personal Trainer, Dance Teacher, Dancer, Cape Town, South Africa
1. Name.
Whitney Shannon Sonnenberg.
2. Where is your hometown?
Cape Town, South Africa.
3. What is your profession/career/title/self-label/designation? What does your average day look like?
I am a personal trainer, fitness instructor and a hip-hop dance teacher. My average day starts early morning to see PT clients at home or at the gym in Sea Point, Gardens and Camps Bay neighbourhoods of Cape Town.
My afternoons I spend teaching dance at various schools along the Atlantic Seaboard area and also have a few pre-teen and teen PT clients. I generally work until 6/6:30pm. Its a hustle because I also do my best and try to get home to see my kids before they go to bed.
4. What did you study in school?
After I matriculated I joined Waterfront Theatre School to major in dance. I also did a part time PT course and Pilates mat course and completed my hip-hop teachers.
5. What was the journey like to get where you are (in life and career-wise)?
It hasn't been easy. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without the help and support of my family and dear friends. My parents have always supported my dreams in life, they allowed me the opportunity to study what I wanted and what made me happy. They have been my biggest motivation. I became successful at what many people think is not even a job.
My Mom was my biggest cheerleader and even though she is no longer with us, she continues to be my heavenly cheerleader, my Angel.
I performed and taught dancing full-time for two years after college. After I had my first child, I had the joy of being home with her for 16 months. I slowly got into working part-time managing a pilates studio, boxing, fitness, teaching kids boxing classes and learning all about the fitness industry (because dancing alone was time-consuming and didn't make enough money to only do that. In 2018 I started my own movement biz called Fit with Whit and I now run my own schedule and get to do what I love everyday which is movement through dance and fitness. I am passionate about working with kids and Moms and young adults. With all of the hustling I unfortunately didnt have same opportunity with my second child who was born in 2020 covid yr. I am now trying to find a work and mom balance in all the hustle,and its been quite a time with my husband being unempoyed and me being self emplyed I have alot of responsibility and its not always easy but I am grateful for the family md friends I surround myself with.
Write about some of the achievements that you are most proud of. I am proud of my little biz that I have started from scratch and maintained I pushed and fought against alot to get where I am and I am grateful to mentors and people I have worked with in the industry to get this far. Also I went back to get my dance teaching qualification that I am super proud of I felt my mom with me all the way and I know she would be proud. I work hard and I've learnt to own it and own my space, I really want to do a reformer pilates course and start teaching that soon. that will be my next big achievement.
What was the moment for you that changed your life (in your personal life and/or career?) that set you on the current path in life? I realised that I am more than capable and I am good and passionate about what I do ,all my part time work for other people led me to this time of my lfie because now I am doing it for me and my own my family. As a woman I feel like I have fought long and hard to ve successful in a male dominationg industry 6. How is your life different from what you pictured at 20? Wow it is so different but its shown me that I am not in control and its ok to not have it all figured out all of the time. Financially life is hard but we all dream of being billionaires right haha thats the biggest Arg wow why moment because it affects many areas of life especially when you have a family. I know it will change when my husband gets a job which is our prayer everyday.
7. Was there a time when life knocked you down or out and how did you get back up on your feet?
Yes, a lot of prayer and surrounded myself with the right support.
8. Advice for other women?
Own your life. Embrace who you are as a woman. Don’t let anyone make you feel less than, no matter what industry you in. I believe that you can do it all; you just need to believe it first.
9. Knowing what we know now in the current political climate, can women be "all that we can be" in today's world? What is the way forward, as you see it, for "feminist values"?
Women, need to support each other and not work against each other. Refer to each other in business. In times like this working and building community is important because we live in such unpredictable times. We are all a paycheck away from living on the street.
“Own your life.
embrace who you are as a woman.
don’t let anyone make you feel less than, no matter what industry you in.”
10. Where in the world do you feel “tallest” (i.e. where is your happy place)?
I absolutely love training people and teaching my kind of dancing. It is my stage and its rewarding to be the hype girl as I witness my clients meeting their goals.
11. What extracurricular activities/hobbies are you most proud of? Why?
Movement, whether dancing, boxing or Pilates.
12. What do you want to be when you grow up? Future goals/challenges?
I aspire to be a boss-mom with a thriving business that takes care of itself. That way I can be more present with my children. I would like to be both, the Mom and the Business Woman. I want to show that it can be done.
13. What fears are you still hoping to overcome?
My fear of failure. I sometimes struggle with the imposter syndrome. This feeling can cripple me, especially when I am learning something new. I know where it comes from and I am working on it.
14. Anything you'd do differently, if you had another go at life?
Yes, I would have married later, focused primarily on my own career and established myself first.
15. What/who inspires you?
Driven people who spread only honesty and love, like my friend Mila, my sister-in-law Roxanne, as well as my older sister Celeste.
16. What are some ingredients to a good life? How did the global pandemic change your perspective about the world, your goals and dreams?
As humans, we are not immune to life happening to us. Life plays out differently for different people. Through pandemic, I realized that the privileged will remain and we, the working class who works really hard, will always feel left behind.
But we must stand up and own this life. We only have one and even that is not guaranteed. So, it’s important to make everything of opportunities presented to you and open your mind to every possibility.
17. What are (at least) three qualities you most love about yourself and why? What are your superpowers?
I am a good judge of character. My first impression of people is usually correct. I am empathetic. I wear my heart on my sleeve. I am a giver.
18. What advice would you give your 14-year-old self? What advice would your 14-year-old self give you in return? (this could also count as advice for your little girls)
Don’t waste time focusing on the negative in your life and the world. Be gentle with yourself. Remember you were born to stand out.
19. What are you reading now? (What books do you gift most and what are your favourite reads?)
Not reading anything at the moment. I don’t remember the last time I had time to read a book. When I do, I like to read up on health and fitness as well as mental health research and that happens randomly, when related to my work. My favourite books are by Marian Keyes.
20. Who is a WOW WOMAN in your world who inspires you and why? Can you nominate three (or more) women you know who perfectly fit WOW WOMAN description? What would you tell them, if you had an opportunity, about why you admire them?
Celeste , Roxanne and Mila are my WOW Women. I would tell them I admire their strength and confidence. I admire the way they walk through life. It is inspiring and comforting. These ladies own who they, they are solid gold!
If my Mom was still with us I would keep trying to emulate her grace, through the good, the bad and the ugly. I’d like to think I have inherited some of those graceful qualities. She treated everyone with love and respect always. She was a prayer warrior.
21. Where can others find you/your work (links to websites, blogs, etc.)?
I am on Instagram: @fitwithwhitza
and LinkedIn.
Bonus Quick Round Qs:
1. What and who is worth suffering for? Yourself and your children. Sometimes suffering, in order to get a better quality life, is necessary.
2. What would you do if you knew that nobody would judge you? I would perform, dance more, perform in musical theater, on TV, in commercials, etc. I would put myself out there more.
3. If you didn't have to work anymore what would you do with your days? I would become a homemaker, join a book club, find a hobby, dance, do Pilates more, spend time on my own movement. I would also volunteer more, work with children and teach dance to the under-privileged.
4. If you could be anyone for a day who would you be? Honestly the best version on myself. However, I’d also love to step into the shoes of Blake Lively, Zoe Saldana or Natalie Portman, not sure why.
5. If you could relive one year in your life, which one would it be? 2006, 2012/2013.
6. What bothers you most about people? What do you love most about people? It bothers me when people hate others for being different. It bothers me how evil human beings can be. I love that we can also be loving and live a good honest life amongst all the bad in the world.