The war in Ukraine is going on right now! Russian invasion continues, as do their indiscriminate shelling and murders of Ukrainian civilians, women and children. And destruction, so much destruction is caused by the russian aggressor.

I am Ukrainian, born in Eastern Ukraine, in Dnipro. Although I immigrated years ago, my heart is in Ukraine, it is my homeland and it is hurting. With the WOW Woman platform, my aim is to shine the spotlight on brave and defiant Ukrainian women who are fighting for the full liberation from the russian aggressor, battling for their right to live, prosper and pursue happiness - just like the rest of us. Although russians learned that Ukrainians will not be silenced nor dominated, the aggressor continues trying and terrorizing. I believe that information is power and sharing Ukrainian women’s stories is a form of justice.

With my WOW Woman Ukraine coverage, I want to bring forth (1) women living inside the country with the Inside Ukraine project and series of interviews, (2) women who support Ukraine from afar (expats or foreigners), in the Inside Ukrainian Heart series and (3) stories of Ukrainian refugees who fled the aggressor. My goal is to show the real flesh-and-blood humans behind the news headlines. I trust that these interviews will be a legacy on which future generations of Ukrainians will proudly build.

Additionally, I have completed or currently personally involved in the following fundraising initiatives and projects:

(1) Ongoing. Supporting Armed Forces of Ukraine through two on-the-ground organizations Fond Ne Bajdushih in Irpin (PayPal email and Trimajmosa Razom in Dnipro (PayPal email founded by WOW Women Zoriana Mironishena and Arina Chaban respectively. Some of the items fundraised for and delivered directly to the front:

(2) Ongoing. “Investing in Ukraine’s Future

(3) Ongoing. “Supporting Ukraine’s Vulnerable

(4) Closed. “Bike for Domes

(5) Closed. “Immediate Response 2023: Helping Ukrainian Armed Forces

Fighting russian propaganda project: Jewish Ukraine

Ukrainians are fighting for all of us. We can return the favour! Thank you for visiting, reading and supporting. Slava Ukraini!

- Olga Shmaidenko, founder of WOW Woman, a proud Ukrainian.


WOW Woman’s Inside Ukraine series shines the spotlight on Ukrainian women who are resisting the russian aggressor on all fronts, as defenders, paramedics, volunteers, etc. Each interview features images provided by the WOW Woman herself.


These outstanding women support Ukraine from abroad. Their stories and activism inspire me greatly. Inside Ukrainian Heart interviews were obtained remotely, photos were provided by the WOW Women themselves.

UKRAINIANs Abroad, Foreigners who SUPPORT Ukraine and volunteers

Below features were photographed by Olga Shmaidenko, the founder of WOW Woman. Together, interviews highlight the extensive humanitarian effort carried out by Ukrainian refugees living abroad as well as Polish and other volunteers in Europe and throughout the world (in places like Canada, USA and South Africa). Thank you to every volunteer, who helped Ukrainians. (Ukrainian-only voices are aggregated here).

Ukrainian Voices - Before the War

As of this writing (February 8, 2023), the RF continues bombing and occupying peaceful Ukrainian cities, killing civilians, destroying Ukrainian infrastructure, deporting, torturing and raping Ukrainian women and children. However, russians will fail at their attempts to suffocate Ukrainian spirit. No crime will go unpunished. Through it all, Ukrainian strength and resilience have always shown superior to those of the aggressor.

Ми витримаємо. Ми переможемо. Слава Україні! We will persevere. We will win. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to the Heroes!

- Olga Shmaidenko, Founder of WOW Woman.

* all photos above, by Olga Shmaidenko